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19 December 2022
Horizon Europe Brokerage Event for Cluster 6 - Calls 2023

Funding opportunities under “Widening Participation & Strengthening of the European Research Area”

This part of Horizon Europe includes measures to support cooperation in the European Research Area and to contribute to reducing the R&I gap within the EU. In the context of the brokerage event, the following funding measure is particularly relevant:

Hop On Facility: Foresees the possibility for legal entities from low R&I performing countries to join already collaborative R&I actions from Pillar II and EIC Pathfinder, subject to the agreement of the respective consortium and provided that legal entities from such countries are not yet participating in it. The list of eligible projects is available here. The draft work programme 2023-2024 of the programme part “Widening Participation & Strengthening of the European Research Area” has been pre-published here. The next cut-off for the Hop on Facility under this programme part is foreseen on 28 September 2023.

Widening Corner with the NCP_WIDERA.NET project

In cooperation with the NCP_WIDERA.NET project, participants will have the opportunity to meet NCPs from this network and to exchange with them on participation and funding opportunities for institutions from widening countries (see below for information on widening countries). To do this, participants can select 'Meetings with NCP_WIDERA.NET' when registering. This offer is primarily addressed to participants from widening countries, but also to coordinators from non-widening countries who are interested in the 'Hop on Facility'.

In addition, the NCP_WIDERA.NET project will in future also offer its own grants and support opportunities as listed below.

Grants offered by the NCP_WIDERA.NET project through NCP organisations

The NCP_WIDERA.NET project offers a cascade grant facility for the benefit of applicants coming from Widening countries. It comes in form of:

  • Travel Grants to facilitate networking at Horizon Europe brokerage events as well as within dedicated study visits to non-widening internationally leading organisations. For more information on how to access travel grants, please contact your country’s National Contact Point for Widening Participation and ERA, available on the Funding and Tenders opportunities Portal: NCP search on the F&T portal
  • Proposal pre-check services: The service will be available for coordinators and work package leaders from Widening countries and facilitated through a dedicated experts’ data base hosted at NCP_WIDERA.NET webpage: https://ncpwidenet.eu/

Which are the widening countries?

According to the Horizon Europe regulation  the less advanced countries in R&I performance, eligible for hosting the co-ordinator of widening actions:

  • Member states:  Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia
  • Associated countries*: Albania, Armenia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Faroe Islands, Kosovo**, Georgia, Moldova, Montenegro, Morocco, North Macedonia, Serbia, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine
  • Outermost Regions (defined in Art. 349 TFEU). Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Martinique, Réunion, Saint-Barthélemy, Saint-Martin, the Azores, Madeira, Canary Islands

* Subject to valid association agreements of third countries

** This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.

Closed since 31 January 2023
Organised by
Participants 1634
Meetings 1339
Türkiye 195
Spain 187
Italy 119
Portugal 89
Germany 79
Belgium 76
Poland 74
France 73
Tunisia 73
Israel 57
Romania 54
Greece 51
Hungary 41
Netherlands 38
United Kingdom 31
Czech Republic 27
Slovenia 26
Ireland 24
Denmark 23
Austria 23
Norway 22
Ukraine 21
Albania 19
Serbia 17
Finland 16
Colombia 15
Lithuania 15
Switzerland 14
Bulgaria 14
Slovakia 12
Iceland 10
Cyprus 10
Sweden 9
Estonia 7
Latvia 7
Morocco 6
Malta 5
South Africa 4
North Macedonia 4
Georgia 4
Bosnia And Herzegovina 3
Moldova, Republic Of 3
Kenya 3
Croatia 3
Taiwan 3
Armenia 3
Tanzania, United Republic Of 2
Pakistan 2
Mexico 2
Libya 2
Australia 2
Luxembourg 2
Brazil 2
Nigeria 2
Reunion 2
India 2
Thailand 1
China (Hong Kong) 1
Oman 1
Zambia 1
Antigua And Barbuda 1
Ghana 1
China 1
Viet Nam 1
Burkina Faso 1
New Zealand 1
Egypt 1
South Korea 1
Cameroon 1
United States 1
Algeria 1
Malaysia 1
Indonesia 1
Kosovo 1
Ethiopia 1
Ecuador 1
Lebanon 1
Total 1650
University 505
R&D Institution 386
Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) 303
Other 108
Association/Agency/Cluster 94
Authority/Government 90
Large company (Industry) 78
Consultancy 69
National Contact Point (NCP) 17
Total 1650
Profile views
Before event 29030
After event 15634
Total 44664